Saturday, February 8, 2014

It's all about being a Manglik

How many of us know if we are Mangliks or Non-Mangliks?  Even if we do, how many of us know what lies behind this theory? Do we believe in this or is it just like other ill practices in India that we have just accepted because that's how it works ?
This topic recently got my attention and I got some of my answers but fail to understand the hoopla behind Manglik phenomenon in this 21st century when we have reached moon and going towards Mars (Mangal)
What really is Manglik Theory?

Mangal Dosha is associated with the planet Mars. According to Vedic astrology, a person is a Manglik, if the planet Mars is placed in either 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of their lunar chart.
Mars represents characteristics such as self-esteem, temperament, ego, and strife. It is an aggressive planet. If placed in specific areas in kundali chart, you could be aggressive and violent and the influence of these characters can lead to a lot of trouble in your married life. That is how the Manglik theory came into existence.
There are certain evils that gets associated with this so called "Mangal Dosh". Affected party (Please note that I, from now on, will be calling a manglik person as "affected party")  may experience disturbances in the married life- disputes and quarrels, divorce, child birth problems or death of the spouse in the worst case.

How true is this?
Highly questionable- more I research about it, more I get overwhelmed with the variations of this theory. Pandit/ astrologers and people themselves tweak it in many ways to suit their requirement or match their beliefs. To give you some examples - 
"There is a lot more to this science that determines the gravity of the effect on a boy or a girl. For a boy, the effect is highest in the 7th house whereas for a girl it is at the peak in the 8th house"
"After the age of 28 Mangal Dosha is greatly controlled and its negative results are reduced. The reason behind this lies in the hormonal growth and cycle in human beings"
"If a Manglik is born on a Tuesday, the negative effect of Manglik Dosha gets cancelled"
"Kumbh Vivah can end this Dosh and may give prosperity to both Bride and Groom even if one has Major Manglik Dosh"
"Mars in own sign and Mars aspected by beneficial planet will not give bad result in married life. In fact, when the planet mars is present in its own house it reduces its effects as against the common belief that its effects are doubled"
And yeah, this one is the best -  "Manglik Yoga which is just opposite of Manglik Dosh . If Mars placed in the above mentioned houses in a horoscope and giving the results which are certainly benefited to the person, that situation is known as Manglik Yoga"
Do I believe in it?
HELL NO!!!!!!! Without going into the technicalities of it, I have my own reasons of not believing it at all. From my childhood, I had always heard MANGAL as good thing. Have we not heard terms like -Mangal kaaj/ karya which is supposed to be good or auspicious work. Why suddenly it becomes dosh and start "affecting" parties?
The theory of Mangal dosh is associated with astrology then why it is not prevalent in other religions of the society? Why the "affected" parties are mostly seen in North Indian-Hindu families?

If Manglik Theory is true then why it is only applicable on girls? Why it is not that a girl can also die because her husband was a Manglik. It is nowhere written that rules for a Manglik girl and a manglik boy are different, then why are girls always become "affected" for anything that goes wrong, when any one can be Manglik.
I have seen a variety of couples who never bothered to even match horoscopes before marriages, or matched but went ahead despite being manglik. Why does everyone not get "affected" and it limits it's evils to the parties who want to believe in it?
And, if any of us believe in Bhagvat Gita or have seen the movie Oh My God, u will remember this line"God has created the whole World, and only he is responsible for its destruction". So,  how will manglik people be responsible to taking lives, again?

Above all, I don't believe in it because of the other mal-practices it brings in the society - Parents feel unlucky to have Manglik daughters as they are not able to get them married - they sometimes get pulled into the dowry system thinking their daughters will get married and will be happy thereafter. And, It's not just about parents all the time, single women often jump into marrying anyone as they fear the idea of remaining single for life and get into the institution of marriage for all the wrong reasons.

How do people handle it?
I have been having this conversation with people around  who have given me range of responses from we don't there are don't want to take give up for our parents.

People who don't care - You are AWESOME!. 

People who talk about upays - I understand it's just a "jugaad" that helps you break through the religious orthodox principles or culturally bound rule-books without hurting anybody's sentiments.

People who don't want to take chances or give up because of elders in the family - YOU REALLY NEED TO THINK SOME MORE - you are contributing in making India a difficult place to live (It's not easy anyway!)


Really keen to hear what you all think about this issue. Are you an ardent believer of Manglik or pass it away as a superstition? What are your reasons? 
PS: If you are wondering, yes I am a Manglik but I am AWESOME :)